Category Archive: Uncategorized

So, you want to be a photographer?

So, you want to be a photographer?

It´s not so difficult to start your own photography business if you follow several easy rules Just as an image with an out-of-focus subject is not …


The Camera doesn´t matter

The Camera doesn´t matter

While it is quite well known that iPhones and other smart phones are quite adapt at taking pictures, many people still are convinced that they …


The Sex Machine

The Sex Machine

Found on the internets. No words can describe. (Well, this is what they say about photography: a picture says more than a thousand words)  


Microsoft is getting crushed

Microsoft is getting crushed

For the past 2 years there has been a lot of talk that we have entered the “post-pc” era. Despite there being a lot of …


Found on the internets…

Found on the internets…

Flash storage certainly has changed in the past years. Oh PCMCIA how I miss you, NOT!


1993 versus 2013. Wow.

1993 versus 2013. Wow.

I am a nerd kid of the 1980´s, I´ve been a nerd since computers had 16KB of RAM. Technological progress is so rapid that it´s …


Steve Jobs pre-incarnation

Steve Jobs pre-incarnation

This dude totally looks like the pre-incarnation of Steve jobs. The resemblance is uncanny. Seen at the Dorotheum auction house in Vienna


That´s rich. Apple Maps doesn´t know Vienna´s Mariahilferstrasse

That´s rich. Apple Maps doesn´t know Vienna´s Mariahilferstrasse

Ok, so we´ve heard that Apple Maps is bad over and over again but this is still a new revelation. Everyone who has ever come …


You didn’t make the Harlem Shake go viral—corporations did

You didn’t make the Harlem Shake go viral—corporations did

Nice narrative…


spring time in Vienna

spring time in Vienna

NOT! shot on 26th of March